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Punjab Board 10th Class Mathematics Guess Paper 2023

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Punjab Board 10th Class Mathematics Guess Paper 2023

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10th class English guess paper 2023 pdf download, 10th Class English Guess Paper 2023, 

Q.1(a) Choose the correct form of verb

٭ The court ______ its verdict on Monday next.

(a)gives (b)will give (c)is giving (d)give

٭ He ______ to see me yesterday.

(a)came (b)come (c)comes (d)will come

٭ We should ______ our parents.

(a)are obeying (b)have obeyed (c) obey (d) obeyed

٭ She _____ the piano since 2 O'clock.

(a)playing (b)has been playing(c)play (d)plays

٭ It _____ in winter every year.

(a) rained (b) rains (c)rain (d)had rained

٭ Will you not ______ it?

(a)did (b)have done (c)do (d)are doing

٭ Quaid-e-Azam _____ very hard.

(a)works (b)worked (c)working   (d)work

٭ She _____ hard for the competition.

(a)are working (b)have worked (c)will work (d) work

٭ The sun ______ in the east.

(a)have rose (b)rising (c)rises (d)rise

٭ It _____ to rain an hour ago.

(a)began (b)begun (c)had began (d)begins

٭ They _____ tea every morning.

(a)drink (b)drunk (c)drank (d)have been drinking

٭ He is _____ back next week.

(a)came (b)coming (c)will come (d)has come

٭ I _____ for you at the usual time.

(a)waited (b)waiting (c)wait (d)shall wait

٭ They ____ the poem.

(a)teaches (b)has taught (c)am taught (d)have taught

٭ He _____ the tree daily.

(a)will cut (b)cuts (c)has cut (d)cut

٭ The baby _____ now.

(a)sleeping (b)slept (c)is sleeping(d)sleep

٭ A person who reports for a newspaper is called _______.

(a)singer (b)teacher (c)doctor (d)news reporter

٭ You _____ drive fast; there is a speed limit here.

(a)shouldn't (b)wouldn't (c)have not (d)mustn't

٭ The baby _____ for milk now.

(a)cry (b)is crying (c)are crying (d)cries

٭ Good students always ______ hard.

(a)worked (b)works (c)work (d)are working

1(b) Choose the correct Spelling

٭ (a) Might (b) Meight (c) Meight (d) Maight

٭ (a) Enimy (b) Enamy (c) Enemy (d) Enumy

٭ (a) Avialable (b) Avaleable (c) Available (d) Aviolable

٭ (a) artical (b) articale (c) artecal (d) articale

٭ (a) leiear (b) liar (c) leaar (d) leear

٭ (a) noese (b) noice (c) noise (d) naise

٭ (a) Inergy (b) Enargy (c) Enirgy (d) Energy

٭ (a) Acadimy (b) Academy (c) Acidamy (d) Accademy

٭ (a) magzines (b) magezines (c) magazenes (d) magazines

٭ (a) Tampery (b) Temporary (c) Temparery (d) Tamporary

٭ (a) Custum (b) Custam (c) Custom (d) Custoom

٭ (a) Addres (b) Address (c) Addruss (d) Adress

٭ (a) Diner (b) Denner (c) Dinner (d) Denir

٭ (a) Languege (b) Lenguage (c) Language (d) Linguage

٭ (a) Entercede (b) Antercede (c) Intersede (d) Intercede

٭ (a) Carier (b) Carrer (c) Career (d) Carrir

٭ (a) Skrapes (b) Skripes (c) Scrapes (d) Scrapes

٭ (a) Surfase (b) Serfase (c) Serface (d) Surface

٭ (a) Axcele (b) Ecxel (c) Exsel (d) Excel

٭ (a) Damise (b) Deemise (c) Demise (d) Dimise

٭ (a) Gratification(b) Gretification(c) Gratefication (d) Gratifection

٭ (a) Farum (b) Forum (c) Foram (d) Furam

٭ (a) Preority (b) Priority (c) Pririty (d) Priorety

٭ (a) stirdy (b) stardy (c) sturedy (d) stardy

٭ (a) brife (b) brief (c) breif (d) brieff

٭ (a) Pressur (b) Prassure (c) Pressure (d) Presure

٭ (a) papular (b) popolar (c) popular (d) papuler

٭ (a) adhesive (b) adhasive (c) adhisive (d) adheseve

٭ (a) standerd (b) stendard (c) standard (d) standrd

٭ (a) Bendeges (b) Bandages (c) Bandeges (d) Bendages

٭ (a) Disput (b) Dispuit (c) Dispute (d) Dispuite

٭ (a) excellence (b) excellance (c) excallance (d) excelance

٭ (a) Acadmic (b) Academic (c) Acedmic (d) Acadamic

٭ (a) Attemmpt (b) Atempt (c) Attmipt (d) Attempt

٭ (a) Aeble (b) Eble (c) Able (d) Ablea

٭ (a) Madren (b) Modern (c) Modrin (d) Madren

٭ (a) Wandrous (b) Wondrus (c) Wondrous (d) Wandrus

٭ (a) Messinger (b) Messenjer (c) Massinger (d) Messenger

٭ (a) Amergency(b) Emergancy (c) Emergency(d) Emirgency

٭ (a) Destitute (b) Dustetite (c) Distuete (d) Duttisete

٭ (a) Acheve (b) Achieve (c) Achive (d) Acheve

٭ (a) Interast (b) Interest (c) Enterest (d) Intirest

٭ (a) Rinze (b) Rince (c) Rinse (d) Rainse

Q.1(c)Choose the correct meanings

٭ All of his life Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ  judged other people's affairs with justice and told his companions to be just.

(a)neighbours (b)friends (c)servants (d)enemies

٭ Their ancestors killed a member of our family.

(a)opponents (b)companions(c)forefathers (d)neighbours

٭ We apeal to you to get one of them hanged in exchange for that.

(a)interchange(b)sleep (c)dormant (d)joy

٭ Once a Quraish woman was found guilty of stealing.

(a)fighting (b)back bitting (c)mischief (d)theft

٭ They applied law to the poor and forgave the rich.

(a)released (b)fined (c)blame (d)distributed

٭ This pleased everyone and saved them from a tribal conflict.

(a)moved (b)hurt (c)delighted (d)united

٭ These animals are often represented in decorations.

(a)beautification (b) designing (c)symmetry (d)editorials

٭ Some people believe that those born during the year particular animal may have the character traits of that animal.

(a)irregularities (b)features (c)buildings (d)facilities

٭ Prior to the first day of the New Year, it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their houses. The underlined word means.

(a)preceding (b)following (c) subsequent(d) past

٭ Time will bring you your reward

(a)Lauggage (b)Loss (c)Prize (d)Courage

٭ Once or twice though you should fail.

(a)conquer (b)be successful (c)stand first(d)none of these

٭ If we strive, its no disgrace.

(a) take rest (b) try hard (c)sleep (d)fail

٭ This a lesson you should heed.

(a)work hard (b) attend to (c)learn (d)listen

٭ Though we did not win the race.

(a)scholarship (b) honour (c) prize (d)competition

٭ You will conquer, never fear.

(a)misguide (b) cheat (c)tell a lie (d)be afraid

٭ This may prepare people to tackle with unexpected emergencies with great confidence.

(a)distrust (b)doubt (c)fear (d)courage

٭ Following guidlines can help you to handle crisis and take care of all.

(a)ignore (b)tackle (c)abandon (d)release

٭ First aid knowledge rangs from taking care of cuts to dealing with an unconscious victim.

(a)sensible (b)sensitive (c)conscious (d)senseless

٭ Through cleaning reduces the risk of complexity _:

(a)antibiotic (b)allergy (c)rash (d)infection and tetanus

٭ Yet proper care is essential to avoid infection or other complications.

(a)fascilities (b)possibilities (c)advantages (d)complexities

٭ Handling minor accidents at home or on the road develops a sense of crisis  management.

(a)strict (b)emergency(c)important (d)necessary

٭ 'This a sweet noise to hear.

(a)melody (b)elergy (c)lesson (d)song

٭ And when the sun comes out after this rain shall stop. The underlined word means:

(a)disappears (b)deem (c)vanish (d)seen

٭ Giving the poor beneath.

(a)interior (b)exteror (c) below (d)appear

٭ The sun shines bright.

(a)rises (b)sets (c)hides (d)rediances

٭ The synonym of appear is:

(a)seem (b)deem (c)disappear (d)vanish

٭ But the point here is that it is not that convenient.

(a)complex (b)beneficial (c)easy (d)harmful

٭ It broadcasts the news as it is happening.

(a)disappearing (b)reflecting (c)rejecting (d)appearing

٭ They may also choose to emit certain aspects of the news that they are not interested in certain.

(a)explain (b)add (c)heed (d)eliminate

٭ Though both of these mediums cover the news effectively, there are distinct differences in the way they do it. The underlined word means:

(a)perplexing (b)minor (c)clear (d)good

٭ This is important in a way that I am now more mature and responsible.

(a)developed (b)senseless (c)sensible (d)educated

٭ The developing positive outlook has given the author the motivation he needs to become______.

(a)Successful (b)Winner (c)Wealthy (d)Famous

٭ In order to gain and understanding of independence and responsibility. I held several summer jobs in the proceding two years.

(a)award (b)awareness (c)envelope (d)medal

٭ That is just my creative view of things.

(a) inborn (b)sensitive (c)inventive (d)local

٭ Broken flying.

(a)crushed (b)separate (c)group (d)decorated

٭ Raking all man's work.

(a)decorate (b)remove (c)rectify (d)build

٭ Its centre is in truth.

(a)right (b)left (c)end (d)middle

٭ I didn't like that movie. I thought it was too _______.

(a)depressing (b) worried (c) pleasurable(d) unwanted

٭ The word 'Smashing' means.

(a) flying (b)making (c)hitting and breaking (d)  moving

112. This is the outcome of a survey conducted among senior students and professionals to form the most suitable pathway for their selected field.

(a)result (b)basic (c)last (d)final

٭ Now a whole world of non-traditional careers, from IT, electronic media and web networking to online business portals and fashion designing, are available for young people

.(a) undue (b)unadorned(c)unnecessaryd)unconventional

٭ Resultantly, students were unaware of other opportunities that could, perhaps, have been more advantageous:

(a) fascilities (b) chances (c)accidents (d)cares

٭ They help us comprehend our faults and aspirations.

(a)hobbies (b)delights (c)ambitions (d)ideas

٭ It is always said that the latest technology signals the demise of the book.

(a)importance (b)end (c)printing (d)publicity

Q.1(d)Choose the correct option according to grammar

٭ Hazrat Muhammad's ﷺ life is a perfect model. The underlined word is a/an:

(a) verb (b) preposition (c) adjective (d) noun

٭ We also climbed a tree and when I reached the highest branch I was ____ than my sister.

(a) Very tired (b) Tired (c) More tired (d) Most tired

٭ Whose book is this? The underlined word is a/an ______.

(a) Indefinite pronoاun (b) interrogative pronoun

(c) Reflexive pronoun (d) Personal pronoun

٭ We are a good team. The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Indefinite pronoun (b) Relative pronoun

(c) Reflexive pronoun (d) Personal pronoun

٭ "It will be raining" Tense used.

(a) Future continuous (b) Past continuous

(c) Past indefinite (d) Future indefinite

٭ Everybody has _____ own dreams and goals.

(a) their (b) its (c) his (d) it

٭ He worked hard because he did not wish to fail. It is a/an ______ sentence.

(a) Simple (b) compound (c) Complex (d) Interrogative

٭ Try again is an inspiring poem. The underlined word is:

(a) Infinitve (b) Reflexive(c) Reciprocal(d) Present participle

٭ Do not tell a lie. What kind of sentence it is?

(a) assertive (b) optative (c) exclamatory (d) Imperative

٭ I had left the house. It is a _____ sentence.

(a) Compound (b) Simple (c) Complex (d) Negative

٭ The treatment is really great. It makes me feel so _______.

(a) relaxed (b) relaxing (c) has relaxed (d) had relaxed

٭ "I met the man whom I do not know." What kind of pronoun is the underlined word.

(a) Interrogative (b) Reflexive (c) Relative (d) Reciprocal

٭ He lost his job ____ he was often late.

(a) because (b) or (c) due to (d) while

٭ Sarmad ate a lot of sweets. This tense is:

(a) Present (b) Past (c) Future (d) None of these

٭ I saw _____ in the mirror.

(a) herself (b) himself (c) myself (d) yourself

٭ I had left the house. It is a ______ sentence.

(a) Simple (b) Compound (c) Complex (d) Negative

Q.2Short Questions & Answers

٭ How did the Rasool (ﷺ) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?

Ans: The Holy Prophet (ﷺ) set high and nobel ideals for all mankind by his (ﷺ) practical example.

٭ How were people of Makkah convinced of the Rasool's (ﷺ) justice even before his Nabuwat?

Ans: Before his Prophethood, the Rasool (ﷺ) very wisely and justly resolved the issue of setting the Black Stone. Thus the people of Makkah were convinced of his justice.

٭ Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year? Why?

 Ans: Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with death, however, wearing red is encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off bad spirits.

٭ What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?

Ans: Those decorations symbolize good luck and happiness.

٭ When does Chinese new year start?

Ans: Chinese New Year starts between January 21st and February 20th.

٭ How is failure not a disgrace?

Ans: Failure demands us to keep on trying in a better way. If we take it positively, it is not a disgrace. Our failure proves to be a major step ahead in the achievement of our goal.

٭ How many times should we try and why?

Ans: There is no limit for trying again. We should keep on trying till our success. After getting success, we should try for another good cause. 

٭ When do you need to see a doctor?

Ans: If the wound is not healing or we notice any redness, increasing pain, drainage, warmth or swelling, we need to see a doctor.

٭ What should your first aid kit consist of?

Ans: The first aid kit should contain a first aid book, plasters, elastic bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, cotton wool, afety pin, tweezers, scissors, latex glov es, calamine lotion, thermometer and analgesic tablets.

٭ What does the poet hear?

Ans: The poet hears leaves drinking rain.

٭ What according to the poet is a sweet noise?

Ans. According to the poet, the rain water trickling down drop by drop from the upper leaves on the lower leaves of the trees makes a sweet noise.

٭ What will happen after the rain stops?

Ans. After the rain stops, the sun will appear once again.

٭ How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?

Ans. A newspaper can be read at any time and at any place. In this respect, it is more convenient medium of news.

٭ How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?

Ans. Television requires its viewers to be at a certain place, at a certain time. On T.V you cannot choose or reject any part of news.

٭ What are some distinctions of the writer?

Ans. He participated in academic and co-curricular activities equally and performed very well getting good grades and winning awards. He learned much and got ready to lead a successful life.

٭ How has the writer spent his summer vacation?

Ans. He has spent his summer vacation at English Language Centre, at McDonalds and at D.K Academy.

٭ What has he gained from his summer jobs experiences?  

Ans. These summer jobs experiences have refined his faculties and have made him more mature and more responsible.

٭ With what wind is compared in the first stanza?

Ans. In the first stanza, wind is compared with a monster of destruction that destroys everything.

٭ What is wind doing to all man's work?

Ans. Wind is raking all man's work.

٭ How does the scene look like when wind is still?

Ans. When wind is still, the scene looks peaceful and pleasant.

٭ What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?

Ans. Becoming a doctor, a pilot or an engineer were famous careers for the young people in the past.

٭ Now a days non traditional careers are more apealing to young minds? Why?

Ans. Non-traditional careers are more rewarding that's why they are more apealing to young minds.

٭ What is meant by the "right profession"?

Ans. A profession that is highly rewarding in terms of both respect and money and that gives mental peace and satisfaction is called the "right profession."

٭ How does a book connect the reader and the writer?

Ans. When a person reads a book, the ideas given in the book appeal the readers. He feels that the writer is addressing to him. In this way they are connected to each other. 

٭ In what way books are better than radio, TV and Internet?

Ans. The books are better than radio, TV and Internet because they have lasting effects on human mind.

٭ Why should people be given more opportunity to read books?    

Ans. People should be given more opportunity to read books so that they may improve themselves and their society by getting knowledge and awareness.

٭ Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?

Ans. Pip's sister looked after him after the death of his parents.

٭ Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip?

Ans. Joe was Pip's brother in law. He treated Pip like a friend and looked after him like a father.

٭ Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner?

Ans. Pip gave him food and drink because he was hungry and thirsty.

1. Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?

Ans. The developing countries are most affected by incessant growth in population.

٭ Why are developing countries going to suffer more due to over-population?

Ans. Developing countries do not have sufficient sources to solve problems caused by over population. Therefore, they are going to suffer more due to continuing growth in population.

10th Class English Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board

Class 10 English Guess Paper 2023

class 10 english guess paper 2023

10th Class Guess Paper 2023

10th class English guess paper pdf 2023

10th class English guess paper pdf 2023