federal board admission last date 2023 1 year | FBISE Federal Board HSSC 1st Annual Exams Schedule & Fee Structure 2023 (for Pakistan) FEE NOTIFICATION FOR HSSC 01ST ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2023 (PAKISTAN)




No. (1)/FBISE/HSSC-C/1 AE-2023//584

January, 27th, 2023



It is hereby notified for the general Information and necessary action of all concerned that the following schedule has been formulated for submission of online Admission Forms and payment of fee for HSSC 1ST ANNUAL EXAMINATION, 2023 which will tentatively commence with effect from Thursday 25th May, 2023.


*Included Rs.1,500 as Registration Fee. However Registration Fee will be paid once. NOTE: Deletion of admission form /Correction in Roll No Slip etc. = Rs.2000/-

 alongwith Part-Il papers for which they will mention desired papers in the respective column of Admission Form. An Institution/Candidate applying in the category of disability should mention his/her accessibility need at the time of

 In case of any difficulty in submission of Online Admission Forms, the institution /candidate may contact FBISE IT Programmer/Assistant at Phone number 051-9269516, 051-9269555-57 (Ext. 227) during office hours. The Candidates who remained on roll of an affiliated Institution after 30 December 2022 are not eligible to appear in

The following Instructions on submission of Online Admission Forms will be followed:-

The Institutions should ensure that online Admission Forms of all the candidates alongwith Bank Challan /deposited fee receipt must be uploaded on the FBISE Portal ON OR BEFORE the last date specified above to avoid payment of extra

fee or rejection of Admission Form(s). The Admission/Examination Fee must be paid only through System Generated Bank

Challan at any HBL or MCB branch within Pakistan or through 'easy paisa'. Only fee deposited on system generated

challan will be accepted. Do not use manual challan in any case. All the Heads of institutions are requested to submit online Admission Forms separately in respect of the candidates who appeared/passed HSSC Part-I Examination from the Board other than FBISE. Their HSSC-I Result Card duly verified from

respective Board, must be uploaded The Incomplete Admission Forms (Draft) will not be accepted for examination and will be removed from the website if not

complete within a week.

The candidates of HSSC Part-II are eligible to take facility of reappearing in allany number of papers of HSSC Part-Il

submitting his/her Admission Form in black and white otherwise he/she will not be entertained. Such candidates will also

submit prescribed Proforma designed for said purpose. Proof Disability Certificate should also be uploaded.

No Examination Fee will be charged from Orphan, differently abled Candidates, prisoners and wards of 'Shuhada'

(Proof shall be uploaded).

Exam as private candidate. The candidates who remained on roll not more than 30th December 2022 will attach College

Leaving Certificate along with online Admission Form available at FBISE website www.fbise.edu.pk. A Private candidate is not allowed to appear in subject(s) involving Practical. A candidate can appear in the additional subject(s) in current course. In case of Involving Practicals to the condition that

he/she provides certificate of having done the Practicals of said subjects at an affiliated institution duly signed by the Principal with official stamp.

A candidate, appearing in any failure Paper(s) improvement paper of Part-1 OR Part-Il will pay full fee of respective Part. In case of IBCC cases, the candidates will submit online Admission Form and upload scanned copy of original Equivalence Certificate issued by the IBCC. X. xd.

Scanned copy of Permission Letter issued by 'Research and Academic Department of FBISE if Pakistani Culture is opted by the candidate in lieu of Urdu Compulsory must be uploaded. A private candidates who have passed SSC &HSSC Part-1 Exam from the Board other than FBISE can opt subject not

involving practical subjects and submit verified scanned copy of result card and NOC/Migration Certificate along with online admission form. All the Non Registered Private Candidates will upload photograph with blue or white background on prescribed place of the Admission Form xiv.

: 2:

XV. The candidates who intend to improve their Grade/Marks after appearing/passing HSSC Examination can do opt /appear in any number of Subjects/Papers in current course of their choice of Part-I or Part-ll or both the Parts as the case may be within a period of four years HSSC-II Examination with multiple chances before obtaining higher qualifications.


The candidates appearing in both the papers of any subject involving practical examination for improvement shall appear

in the practical examination as well. However, the candidate neither requires nor can appear in Practical Exam if he/she is

appearing in single paper/part.

Change of Subjects/Group will not be allowed under any circumstances after submission of Admission Form to the

xvii. FBISE's online portal.


The Ex/Private candidates are requested to ensure that the particulars written by him/her in the Admission Forms are

recorded correctly. The incomplete Admission Form will not be accepted


The candidate will download his/her Roll Number Slip himself/herself from FBISE website: www.fbise.edu.pk and print it

before commencement of examination. FBISE will not despatch Roll Number slip to any candidate,

Online Admission Apply Click Here

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