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HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE PART-I & II (ANNUAL-I) EXAMINATION, 2023. It is hereby notified for the general information of all concerned, that the HSSC Part-I & II (Annual-1)

Examination 2023 of the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Saidu Sharif Swat will commence on Tuesday 30th May, 2023. The Schedules for submission of online Admission Forms and fee (both) in the Board

New Update 


1. All the Registered Government and Private Institutions (Male & Female) are requested to

use the Online

Enrolment/Registration portal for admission of 11th and 12th Class Students. 2. The educational institutions (schools/Colleges) shall download and print the system-generated Bank Challan

from their respective account of the board portal (

3. Those regular students who are promoted to Part II but migrated from other Boards and as well as those science students who appeared in Part-I in the Annual/ Supplementary, Examination 2021 and did not appear in HSSC

(Annual-1 & Annual -II) Examination 2022, have to submit admission forms for the HSSC Part-I & II (Annual-1)

Examination 2023 through their institutions.

Failed/Absent students are allowed in the (Annual-1) Examination 2023. However, their eligibility to appear in the 11th/12th year in the subsequent annual examination shall be subject to the required attendance. 5 The students who have failed one or two papers are allowed to improve in passed subjects simultaneously with

taking examinations in the failed subjects. 6. Private students shall submit their admission forms online and download the system-generated Bank challan

(Bank fee receipt) from the board website

7. Only system-generated Bank challan will be accepted for admissions. Bank challan (fee receipt) can be

downloaded from the board website 8. Candidates both (Regular/Private) of Part-II of other Board must produce a Migration Certificate along with a

verified DMC. 9. Roll number slips shall be available on the web portal ten days before the commencement of Examination. Those

candidate who failed to receive Roll No slips One week prior to the commencement of Examination should contact the Board for issuance of duplicate Roll No slips.

10. For additional Biology course completion certificate with attendance record is mandatory. 11. Application for creation of Examination Centre can be submitted up to 28-02-2023. After no such application will be entertained under any circumstances. 12 For any other query or information please contact 0946-865671, 865670, 865683, or visit the Board website

HSSC Admission Only For Institutes

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