online admission bannu board 2023 - 1st year admission last date 2023 kpk boards - 2nd year admission last date 2023 

BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, BANNU Kohat Road Township Bannu Ph: 0928-633446, 633170 Fax 0928-633448, Website
It is hereby notified for the general information of all concerned, that the Higher Secondary School Certificate Part-
& II (Annual-I) Examination, 2023 of the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Bannu will commence from Tuesda 30th of May, 2023.
The schedules for submission of online admission forms/ lists and fee (both) in the Board office are as 
1. All the Registered Government and Private Institutions (Male & Female) are directed to use our Online Admission Module (OAM) on or for admission of 11th and 12th Class students through specific login (User name and password) already in use for Online registration, and submit a hard copy of the system generated admission list duly signed and Stamped by the Head of Institution along with the original bank receipt within due date.
2. Private students shall submit their Admission Forms through Online Hard copy of computerized Admission Form and Original Fee receipt along with SSC DMC and CNIC (Self/ Guardian) Copies must be submitted to HSSC Section of BISE Bannu.
3. Those Regular students who are promoted to Part-II, OR migrated from other Boards and passed Science Part-I in Annual-I 2021 and not appeared in HSSC Annual-1 Examination, 2022 are eligible to apply for HSSC part II as a regular Annual-I Examination 2023,
4. Private Roll Number Slips shall be available on BISE Bannu Website 15 days before the commencement of examination, duplicate Roll Number can receive from HSSC Section of BISE Bannu by showing genuine reasons.
5. Private candidates who had passed SSC/HSSC Part-I Examination from other Boards (wants migration) must submit
their Original Migration Certificate, Verified SSC/Part-I DMC/CNIC, Form-B, with Computerized online Admission form for Annual-I Examination 2023.
6. The installation of CCTV Camera in examination Halls / Rooms and to link with BISE Bannu is mandatory for new as well as already existing examination centers.
7. Application for creation of examination centers can be submitted up to 20-03-2023 through HSSC section, after due date no such application will be entertained in any circumstances, (Decision based upon the feasibility)
8. Also provide details of regular candidates, showing group, Subject, fee receipt, bank branch and deposit date in USB
along with hard copies to HSSC Section. 9. For constitution of center of examination, each Institution shall make available accommodation, furniture as may be required by the Board.

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