10th class Roll Number Slip 2023 download 

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Bhawalpur

Bahawalpur Board released roll number slips of candidates

Regular institutes will download roll number of candidates from their portal

Roll number slips have been sent to the private candidates at their addresses. Institutional and private candidates who are liable to submit the fees as soon as possible so that their roll number slips can also be issued.

Bahawalpur (Press Release) Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Bahawalpur has uploaded the roll number slips of the candidates participating in Matriculation (First) Annual Examination 2023. Regular institutes can download the roll number slips of their candidates from their portal while private candidates have their roll number slips sent to the address given on their admission forms so that we private candidates can download their roll number slips from the board website. Can download from www.bisebwp.edu.pk. Roll number slips are withheld only from institutions or private candidates who have outstanding fees or any objection on their admission forms. In this regard, the Controller of Examinations Asma Qasim has directed that such regular institutions or private candidates who are responsible for the QR fee of Rs. 95 or any other fee or objection should be cleared immediately so that their roll no. Slips can also be issued. For more information about the roll number slips, one can contact the board's website 

Roll No. Slips For SSC First Annual Examination 2023 bise Bahawalpur board

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