RollNo Slips for Secondary School Certificate PART I & II (FIRST ANNUAL) Examination,2023 |

Everyone who is worried is aware that the Board's examination will begin on Saturday, April 1, 2023, with the Secondary School First Annual. Which private candidates' roll number slips have been sent via registered mail to the location listed on their admission form. The roll number papers must be downloaded from the board's website using the institution's password in order to be distributed to applicants after they have signed and sealed them. It should be noted that only the roll number slip given with their head institution's seal and signature will be accepted in the test for regular students (provided that it is connected to the institution and board).

The Right Way to Start Slip: 

1 Enter your Form No.  

2.Please enter your current exam roll number as indicated on Admission Form

3 Enter your prior roll. No. 

4: Provide your reference No. 

5: Provide your full name as it appears on the admissions form Using the admissions form, enter your full father's name.

Roll No. Slips For SSC First Annual Examination 2023 bise lahore board

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