BISE Quetta Board Roll No Slips 2023 - BISE Quetta Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2023

BISE Quetta Board Roll No Slips 2023
 BISE Quetta Board Inter Roll Number Slip 2023 Part 1, 2

The Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education has recently issued the roll number slips for the upcoming 2023 Intermediate Examinations for both 11th and 12th grade students. The heads of government and affiliated institutions are advised to review the information entered on the roll number slips of their regular students and make any necessary corrections by contacting the Education Board. Students are advised to collect their roll number slips from their respective educational institutions.

Private candidates will receive their roll number slips via post. In the event of not receiving the slip by post, they can obtain it from the Education Board's website through the online system. In the case of any required corrections, private candidates should also contact the board office and provide proof of deposit of admission fees.

Students must keep in mind that mobile phones or any electronic devices are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall. any form of cheating is also strictly prohibited, and any violators will face disciplinary action, including the cancellation of all credentials. Students should ensure that they sign the attendance sheet and answer copy and verify the accuracy of their roll number slip's information, including their photograph and subjects, before the scheduled examination date.

It is essential for students to adhere to these guidelines and take their examinations seriously. With proper preparation and diligence, they can achieve success in their academic pursuits. The roll number slips for all boards of Pakistan will be available on the website, where they can be downloaded and printed through the online system.

The Balochistan Board has announced the Roll Number Slip 2023 for FA/FSc/ICS/ and intermediate students. The roll number slip includes details such as the venue, reporting time, and general instructions for the annual and supplementary examinations. Regular and private students of Balochistan are encouraged to download their roll number slip from the official website of BISE Quetta, which is The board holds HSSC and SSC parts 1 & 2 exams as per prescribed school. The Balochistan Board is an autonomous authority that works under the Balochistan government and designs paper patterns, syllabus, and holds theoretical & practical examinations. Private students can download their roll number slip using their B-form number, while regular students can use their institute code and password to access their roll number slip. Students can download the Balochistan Board Roll Number Slip 2023 for their respective classes via the given link.

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