10th Class Result 2023 | Matric Result 2023 | Online Result 2023 Check Class 10

10th Class Result 2023  Matric Result 2023  Online Result 2023 Check Class 10

Matric Result 2023 Press Release
All the concerned are informed that according to the government's instructions, the result of the matric first year 2023 exam conducted under this board has been compiled.
This year, the 2023 result pass marks are 33%. If there is a paper of 100 marks, then 33 marks will be passed. If there is a paper of 75 marks, 25 marks will be passed. If there is a paper of 50 marks, then 17 marks will pass.
And the chairman board expressed his opinion regarding the grading system. It said that to improve the quality of education, the grading system will be implemented in the examinations (matric and intermediate) in 2024, in which the pass marks will be 33%. Instead, it will be 40%. The new grading system will be implemented equally in all the boards, and the higher education system will also keep up with the examinations.
Addressing the seminar participants, the secretary board said that the new grading system aims to eliminate the rota system and improve quality education. He further said that the initiative of the grading system had been taken to improve the marking quality and eliminate students' rights.
The Controller of Examinations expressed that the marking system will improve with the new grading system. The race for marks among the students will also end.

10th Class Result 2023 | Check Matric Result 2023 By Roll No ... 10thclassresult.net https://10thclassresult.net This year, class 10th results are expected to be declared 31 August 2023. All the students who will appear in 10th class exams this year can check matric .

The 10th class result will be declared InshAllah dated 31-07-2023 at 10:00 A.M. All the students can check the result from the website www.WaqasAbid.com under the online system. First, all the students can check their results from the Waqas Abid website www.WaqasAbid.com.
Candidates dissatisfied with the 10th Class Annual Examination 2023 result can also recheck their papers.
  Aspirants who want to re-check their results, subject/subjects can recheck from the Waqas Abid website, www.WaqasAbid.com, within 15 days after publication of the development as per board law. You can download the form.
When will the matric second annual exam 2023 be held?
The Second Annual Examination of Matriculation will start in 2023 (September 15, 2023). Following is the schedule for the submission of admission forms online and fee submission.
01-08-2023 to 12-08-2023 with a single fee
13-08-2023 to 16-08-2023 with double fee
17-08-2023 to 19-08-2023 with triple fee
  Admission forms can be downloaded from the Waqas Abid website www.WaqasAbid.com through the online system.

Matric Result 2023 – By Name and Roll Number  theeducator.pk https://theeducator.pk › matric-result The 10th class result 2023 Annual result date is announced. 31 July is the result date of matric. Result, Matric 2023. Boards, Punjab Boards. Total Students

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