Roll No.
D/O, S/O
SSC/Intermediate (Part-1) Annual Examination 201 solemnly affirm:
1. That I, have passed the above said examination securing marks from BISE
2. That I, want to get re-admission in 1st year in the institution 3. That I, humbly request for the cancellation of my result of above
mentioned examination. 4. That I, have not utilized the result card of said examination for any
purpose. 5. That I, shall not claim any right for restoration of my cancelled result
in future.
6. That I, will not claim about consideration for position or any distinction certificate.
7. That I, never appeared in the examination of Part-II.
Dated: -
Certified that all above stated contents are true and the deponent has signed the document in my presence.
(Signature & Stamp) Head of Institution
(Where deponent desires to be admitted).

The Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress,
Respectfully sheweth that I have passed my SSC/Inter Part-I
examination 201 conducted by the BISE, The result of said examination is not upto my satisfaction. I am desirous to be re-admitted in your institution.
Kindly grant approval of my admission. I assure you that I will follow the college and Board rules in all respects.
Yours Obediently
This application must be accompanied by an affidavit on stamp paper of worth Rs. 50/-. In case of admission the provided affidavit will be sent to the BISE Faisalabad alongwith the registration return.

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