10th class admission 2023 last date ajk board | 9th class admission 2023 last date ajk board 

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Board of Secondary Education

Special Instructions for Online Admission

01 - Candidates who are not already registered at secondary level and are appearing for the first time in Private Examination Secondary Part I (gth) or Composite will pay Admission Fee Processing Fee plus Registration - 1050 + Certificate Fee - Rs.300, Scholarship fee- 100 and registration processing fee Rs.-/400 total Rs. 1850 will also be deposited. Double registration is illegal and impeachable under the rules.

02- The hard copy of admission form of regular candidates as well as the reply of the concerned institution Mr. President, Teacher, President, Teacher, while the hard copy of the admission form of private candidates are authorized to verify the following rules. Heads of private institutes cannot verify the form of a private candidate or any other institute. Head teachers of the government high schools located within the territorial limits of Azad Kashmir Professors and Lecturers ii. Officer Commanding (for Army candidates only) iii. Superintendent Jail (Only for Prisoners) 03 - 9th Admission Regular Private candidates can download the admission form online by feeding their registration number.

04 - Forms for Regular Candidates Institutions will create group wise batches of subjects of pre-fed registered candidates admission forms like registration through their online account. Organization can create one or more Batches as per their wish only after Batch creation

The fee will be collected on the computerized challan only.

05 - All heads of institutions are instructed to make admission batch only after verifying the data. Otherwise, the fee for deleting the batch will be Rs.1000 only after submitting the original challan to the HBL Azad Kashmir branches and sending it to the board.

Batch Delete can be done. 06. The Heads of Institutions after obtaining all the forms and hard copy of the admission, after verifying the hard copy, keep a copy of the collected fee challan in their records and keep the original in the board.

Send hard copy along with challan board copy wide man rev manlist along with covering letter in the name of Controller of Examinations Switzerland Azad Jammu and Kashmir Intermediate and Secondary Education Board Mirpur District Mirpur within the stipulated date. Otherwise late penalty will be applicable as per rule. Private candidates should also keep the hard copy and the collected fee challan as evidence before sending the fully completed form to the above address. Am

D/Taimoor Aslam/Online School Fee 2023 

BISE AJK SSC Matric (9th & 10th) Fee Schedule 2023 For Regular and Private Candidates

The website www.ajkbise.net will be available at www.ajkbise.edu.pk and can be easily downloaded.


06-02-2023 27-02-2023 09-03-2023 16-03-2023 23-03-2023


The examination of Secondary First Annual 2023 (Jamaat Naham Dham Composite) is expected to be held in the second week of April 2023. Online Admission Form and

Fees will be charged as per the following schedule. Last date for submission of admission in Habib Bank Adakkhana

Last date of receipt of form admission office by manual submission of form admission office by post at board office

Last date for submission

1 Single Fee

2023-01-04-2023-02-06 2- Double Fee 2023-02-202307-02-27 Regular Upprivee Candidates)

Regular Private Candidates)

3 Triple fee

2023-02-2023 28-03-09 4 Count 2023-03-10-2023-03-16 Regular Upprivileged Candidates)

(Regular Private Candidates)

5 not fivefold

2023-03-17 2023-03-23 ​​Count Six 2023-03-24-2023-03-30 Regular Upprivileged Candidates)

(Regular Private Candidates)

04-03-2023 14-03-2023





Class X







1400/- 400/-


Class X








400/- 1050/

A explanation in

Group for Regular Candidates

Class IX


Arts Group (without practical subject) Science Technical 1 Arts Group with practical subject

-/1050 -/400 - 1450 -/1050 -/400 -/1450 -/2100 -/400 -/2500

For private candidates

The group

Class IX

Arts Group (without practical subjects) Science and Technical | Arts Group / with practical subject



- 1500




-/1500 will be charged a fine of Rs.-/5000 per candidate preacher.




Late penalties

Late Hard Copy to Regular and Private Candidates

10th Class Date Sheet 2023 BISE AJK Board

9th Class Date Sheet 2023 BISE AJK Board 


10th class admission 2023 last date ajk board

9th class admission 2023 last date ajk board 

-08 Other Board -12 Cat Type Manual Form Old Style Such Menus not deposited on Challan / Receipt will not be acceptable. 09 Any candidate who wants to take the medium test (English medium) in the subject/subjects should send the application form along with the hard copy of the admission form for its approval, otherwise the office will not be responsible and also enter the medium test on the hard copy. It is necessary. - 11 - The heads of institutions will be able to get the roll number slips of regular students from their institution's online account one week before the commencement of the examination. Private candidates will also get Online Roll Number Slips. Private candidates should send the original NOC migration certificate + certified copy of the result card along with the hard copy and submit the verification fee of Rs. 13 - For information related to online admission, you can contact these phone numbers 71-960070-05827, while for information related to Rules, you can contact phone numbers 960038 / 05827-960004. 15. Candidates who want to give the paper of any subject from Islamiat Compulsory, Pakistan Studies, General Science or Science and Literature group in English medium instead of Urdu medium should circle the Medium code (1) and also apply for approval of English as the medium of examination. Connect. 16 - Candidates appearing for Matriculation examination on Adib/Alam pass basis only in English or four subjects (one subject out of the optional subjects of English, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics, Arts which does not have a practical test and also does not have a language) While the candidates appearing for matriculation examination on the basis of Shahadat Al-Thanawiya Ama Khasa Pass under the Organization / Federation / Coordinating Schools will give Urdu, English and Study of Pakistan examination. Such candidates will have to appear in Class IX, Class X examination together. 17. Each entry fee includes Kashmir Liberation Cell preacher Rs.21. EXAMINATION SECONDARY FOOT ANNUAL 2023 ,10TH 9TH COMPOSITE) ADMISSION INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGULAR PRIVATE CANDIDATES ONLINE IN THE FORM OF A BOOKLET BY THE BOARD

07. Those students/girls who don't want to be sent regular admission by institutions, they will deactivate all these students/girls from their online account and by deactivating they will be able to get the print or the institution itself can take the print.

The print hard copy of the admission form should be taken out when all the details of a candidate / subject or change group are fully fed. If the printout of the admission form has been sent to the board and later the group changes subjects, the admission form must be printed again and sent to the corresponding board. Otherwise, the entire responsibility of the mistake will be on the student institution

10- Change group fee – Rs.2500 and subject change – Rs.1200 per subject. The process of change of group/subjects will be done online and the admission fee will be submitted

This fee should also be submitted on the same challan.

14. Students with foreign citizenship who have lived abroad for 3 consecutive years (prior to the commencement of the examination) can appear for the Urdu alternative Geography of Pakistan examination, they should attach a certified copy of their passport along with the hard copy as proof.

(Raja Talat Islam)

Controller of Examinations Schools 05827960004/960038

No. Board / Female Examinations / 1826/20 /2023 | Dated 22-12-16

The above quote is for you

1. Mr. Secretary accompanied by Mr. President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad.

Principal Secretary to Prime Minister (Controlling Authority Education Board) Azad Government of Jammu and Kashmir State Muzaffarabad. Private Secretary Mr. Amrah Mr. Chief Secretary Free Government Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad 4- Mr. Secretary Education Lodges Schools Free Government Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad.

5. Mr. Information Secretary, Free State of Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad. 7 - Mr. Nazim, Director of Higher Education, Free State of Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad.

6- Mr. Secretary Public Service Commission Independent Government of Jammu and Kashmir State Muzaffarabad

8. Private Secretary along with Mr. Chairman Board.

9. Mr. Nazim Senior Research and Development Curriculum Independent Government Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad.

10 - Mr. Nazim Higher Education Schools Female Male Independent Government Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad 12 Secretary Punjab Boards Committee of Chairman Camp Office Intermediate and Secondary Education Board Lahore.

11 Secretary Mr. G-10/4 IBCC Islamabad.

13 - Mr. Secretary Board.

14. All Officers Board.

15 Focal Person Board.

16-Stem Analyst Ms. Computer Section for the purpose of E-mail/uploading as news.

17 - Kantar Dar Sahib Examinations Federal Board Islamabad Education Board Rawalpindi Asar Godha, Gujranwala Amtan

18 - Divisional Director Sahiben Colleges Division Mir Pura Manzarabad Apo Che.

Bahawalpur Faisalabad Lahore / Dera Ghazi Khan Sukhara Hyderabad / Mianvi Board Karachi / Inter Board Karachi Pasha Dar Abbottabad / Swat / Sisters Ko Hat / Art Services Board for Higher Education GHQ Rawalpindi

19. Divisional Director Mr. Schools Division Mirpur/Muzaffarabad A.P. 20 Principal Sahibs Sahibat Inter Colleges Higher Secondary Schools Azad Kashmir

Costa Azad Kashmir University Muzaffarabad/MUST Mirpur Azad Kashmir

21 - President Teachers, Teachers, Boys and Girls High Schools, Azad Kashmir

22- District Education Officer (Female) Azad Kashmir

23. District Information Officer Mr. District Mir Pura Manzar Abada Po Nach Asadhanuti / Bagh Koi Abhambar Anilum Hattian Bala / Haveli It is hereby written that this news should be broadcast in detail in all newspapers for three consecutive days.

24 Niger Sirs HBL Min Branch Mir Pura Bhimbar Kotli Asadhanuti / Po Cha Bagh / Muzaffarabad for information 25 Regional Director Mr. Azad Kashmir Radio Muzaffarabad Uttara Kal / Mir Purwancharge Mr. Station Red FNY Mirpur

For the purpose of spreading the news.

26. Program Manager Mr. Board.

27 - Supervisors of departments for information

28. Regional Branches Muzaffarabad, Rawalkot Azad Kashmir.

29 Representatives PTV/APP/Aaj/Jiva Royal//ARY/Dunya/Express Mirpur

That this news should be broadcast continuously for three days.

30 Jammu and Kashmir Express / Jab Beh Ahamsab / By Kar Mirpur for publication as news

- Correspondent Mr. Roz Namah Jang / Nawai Waqt / Pakistan / News / Journalism / Features / Jinnah / Day / Voice 31 - Internal Distribution Notice Board Office Copy.

D/Taimoor Aslam/Online School Fee 2023

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