Admission Schedule SSC (First Annual) Exam 2023

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore Notification

Secondary School Certificate Class IX & X (First Annual Examination 2023) organized by the Board is starting date on 01 April 2023. Single examination fee and other fees for regular and private candidates to appear in the said examination.The date of commencement of the Secondary School Certificate class 9th and 10th (first annual examination 2023) organized by the Board is 01 April 2023. The schedule for receipt of admission form and examination fee for regular and private candidates to participate in the said examination is as per Below is

Secondary School Class IX and X (First Annual Examination 2023 Dated 01 April 2023)

Last date for receipt of admission form with single fee 20 December 2022 to 18 January 2023

Last date for receipt of admission form with double fee 19 January 2023 to 30 January 2023

Last date for receipt of admission form with triple fee 31 January 2023 to 07 February 2023

Copy for information:-

All Officers Board viz., Secretary Higher Education, Secretary Schools, Chief Executive Officer (Education) Lahore, Chief Executive Officer (Education) Kasur Chief Executive Officer (Education) Sheikhupura, Chief Executive Officer Education) Nankana, National Newspapers and Affiliated Educational Institutions Heads of

See the schedule for receipt of admission forms on the back of this notification or visit the board's website The details of examination fee rates and other dues are also available on the board's website schedule for receipt of Hamad admission forms is also available on the board website

Important rules:

1- The heads of schools of the Punjab government will be able to submit the admission forms of the regular students of their institution without examination fee from 20th December 2022 to 18th January 2023. . Ta Hum Processing Fee Preacher - Rs 5301, Sports Fee - Rs 100, No Scholarship. 801, Development Fund-Rs.2001 and original certificate fee Rs.700 (per candidate) will be required to be paid. Also, the candidates who are not able to succeed in appearing in the class 9th examination will be bound to pay the examination fee of class 9th and 10th (both parts) along with other dues while submitting the class 10th examination form. Candidates re-entering Class IX after failing to appear will also be liable to pay the examination fee and other dues. Also, the bank challan number of the affiliated institution must be entered on the financial form. 2. Candidates who are eligible for fee waiver under any decision of the Board. Such facility is limited to single fee schedule only. After the date of submission of admission form with single fee, they will also be bound to submit examination fee along with other dues as per schedule like other candidates (Private Regular). It should be noted that processing fee preacher - 5301 rupees, sports fee - 1001 rupees, scholarship fee - 801 rupees, development fund - 200 rupees and actual traffic fee - 7001 rupees are not waived to any aspirant under any circumstances.

No admission form will be received after 07 February 2023. Please refer to the back of the Rate Fee Notification or visit the Board's website 

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