Showing posts with label Model Paper 9th Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Model Paper 9th Class. Show all posts
 9th class computer science slo based model paper 2023MODEL PAPER COMPUTER SCIENCE CLASS 9 Note: Attempt all questions of Section A by filling thecorresponding bubble on the MCQsRESPONSE SHEET. It is mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet to theSuperintendent within given time.SECTION-ATime: 15Minutes                                                                                                      ...
 Roll No .......... (Hopefully Do It Yourself) (Academic Session 2024-2022)Islamiat (Compulsory)022- (Nem class)Paper-1: (Objective Style)ISLAMIYAT (Compulsory)Paper-I (Objective Type)Time: 15 minutesTime Allowed: 15 MinutesMaximum Marks: 10Total No.: 10Note: Four possible answers C' B' A and D are given for each question. On the answer copy, fill in the corresponding...