Showing posts with label model paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label model paper. Show all posts
 Model Paper of Tarjuma-tul-Quran for 11th - Tarjuma tul Quran Ul majeed First Year Sample Past Pap...
 9th class computer science slo based model paper 2023MODEL PAPER COMPUTER SCIENCE CLASS 9 Note: Attempt all questions of Section A by filling thecorresponding bubble on the MCQsRESPONSE SHEET. It is mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet to theSuperintendent within given time.SECTION-ATime: 15Minutes                                                                                                      ...
 Smart Syllabus 2023 - Model Paper Mutalia Quran Class 11thSmart Syllabus Study Quran, for Class XI. Year 2022-23TitleRecitation and translation of the Holy QuranPage No. 4Surah Al-Baqarah (Introduction, Text of the Qur'an, and Practice) Surah Al-Baqarah (Introduction, Text of the Qur'an, and Practice)Verse number 1 to 167Verse No. 168 to Verse No. 286Surah Al-Imran (introduction,...
Smart Syllabus 2023 - Model Paper Mutalia Quran Class 9thQuestion number 1.Multiple Choice Questions (Total No. (10)This question will contain total 10 components from Study Quran Class 9 Smart Syllabus. Four possible answers will be given for each component. Only one of these answers will be correct. Mark allotted for each correct answerIs.Question No. 2short answers. Total...