10th Class Date Sheet 2023 BISE AJK Board - 9th Class Date Sheet 2023 BISE AJK Board
Azad Jammu Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Mirpur
Of the date sheet
For Secondary First Annual Examination 2023, Class IX, Dham (Composite)
Urdu, English, Islamiat Compulsory, Pakistan Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics Science Group, General Mathematics Ornes Group, General Science, Islamiat Optional, Fundamentals of Home Economics Part I, II and Fahm Al Qur’an Part I subjects test in two different groups. (i.e. Group I and Group II) will be in The examination of the remaining subjects will be conducted as per the date, day and time mentioned in the date sheet. Candidates should be issued first on the objective and later on the initial. The time recorded on both pages should be final counted and care should be taken while distributing/packing General Mathematics and Mathematical Science pages. Apart from this, before opening the envelope of the question paper, the subject, page, date, day and time should be checked in all respects.
Note: The morning paper will start at 08:30 AM, the afternoon paper at 01:30 PM and the afternoon paper at 02:30 PM on Fridays.
Note: The practical exam will be started two weeks after the secondary first annual 2023 written exam, God willing, the schedule will be released later.
Special Instructions for Administrators of Examination Centres
The examination of all such papers in front of which no group has been mentioned should be taken as per the time mentioned in the date sheet even if any group is mentioned on the roll number slip. It will not be allowed to appear in the examination without the roll number slip. However, if a candidate does not have the roll number slip but there is a candidate card in the center file, then after comparing with the record, the candidate should be included in the examination and the candidate should be instructed while issuing/obtaining the roll number slip from the board. Keep the exam to yourself. Due to unavoidable adverse circumstances, candidates who appear in the examination on a temporary basis should get two attested photographs with proof and send the application along with their report to Ratam on this day and they should be informed that during the examination roll number slip To be released. Later, if any defect is found in the significance of their examination as per the prevailing law of the Board due to which they are not eligible to appear, their examination/result will be cancelled. Such writing should be obtained from such candidates. If a candidate is conducting an examination of more than one paper at a time, in such a case Rakim can be contacted promptly at Asla or Bazar Union No. 960004, 960038-05827. Candidates are advised to compare the date sheet on their roll number slip with the date sheet in the center and note down the date and time of examination of their subjects carefully as per the date sheet so that they do not miss any name. But don't miss out on appearing for the exam. All responsibility for non-participation will be on the candidate.
The group center in which the candidate has to appear for the examination will be mentioned in his roll number slip. A candidate shall not under any circumstances be permitted to appear in any other group / center other than the group center allotted or approved by him. Further guidance can be given on the given phone numbers in this regard. -5
In case of accidental leave during the examination, the scheduled program will not be affected.
At the time of actual roll number slip, the slip should be with every candidate anyway. Roll number slips should never be withdrawn from candidates at the expense of examination.
The detailed chart of all the subjects related to the practical examination in which the Roll No. H of the candidates will be listed will be released later. . The roll number slips for the practical examination which cannot be distributed to the candidates should be sent to the head of the concerned institution with a receipt and in this regard the candidates should also be informed during the examination.